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Hour Psychic Reading change

Please do not wear perfume. 2120 First Ave North, #310 Seattle, WA 98109

Select from the following list to add a service to this appointment. cancel

  • Hour Massage $120
    Licensed therapeutic massage. 
  • Half hour massage $65
    half hour treatment massage
  • 90 min massage $185
    licensed therapeutic massage with reiki if requested
  • Half hour chakra healing $75
    Reading and clearing and balancing of seven chakras. Healing energy and information
    You will feel lighter and clearer after
  • Hour Chakra Healing $140
    Chakra healing includes cord removal, clearing and balancing as well as information on what is blocking you and what will help unblock you 
  • Hour Reiki treatment $120
    Traditional Usui Reiki. Over 20 years experience. This is a gentle, hands-on treatment which does not involve manipulating tissue. You will experience relaxation, reduction of pain and stress, 
    and may find memories or dreams and visions arising. Treats the mind, body, and spirit and addresses the underlying energetics of pain. Good for releasing negative energies, whether your own or of others. This is a clothed treatment.
  • Half Hour Tarot Reading $75
    20 years experience reading tarot. Ask specific questions about job, love, home, or whatever is on your mind. Good for timeline questions.
  • Soul Retrieval $175
    Retrieves energies and soul parts lost in past traumas, whether chronic or acute. This is a good treatment for depression, PTSD, addiction issues. It does not replace traditional therapy but augments it. Based on shamanic healing practices. 
  • Half hour trance medium reading $75
    Trance mediumship is me channeling my spirit guides who answer your questions directly. It is not me channeling your deceased relatives and loved ones, although those might send messages through my guides. Good for in depth analysis of issues. They are known to be accurate.
  • Half hour chakra healing $75
    Chakra healing involves me sending reiki to each of your chakras, telling you what I see and hear are the issues in that chakra-both strengths and weaknesses-and cord cutting where appropriate and I have your permission. A good way to free yourself some of the programming and influence of others that no longer serves you, and get in touch with your own strengths.
  • Hour Chakra Reading-Distance $140
    Distance readings of all sorts, trance mediumship, chakra reading, tarot, are available on zoom, facetime, or phone. They are in every way the same as in person readings, but available over distance. Payment can be venmo, credit card, or paypal as my last choice. 
  • Half hour chakra reading-Distance $75
    Detailed chakra reading and healing, including removing cords and hooks if needed. Same as in person, only from the convenience of your home
    or location.
  • Trance mediumship Distance Half hour
    Channeling my spirit guides to answer your questions. Highly accurate. Come with questions prepared.
    zoom, facetime, or whatsapp
Amy Wolf LMT, Reiki Master: Amy Wolf LMP Price:$140